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7 Cursos

Curso de aplicaciones y casos de usos
Sé un especialista en Data Science
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Sé un especialista en Data Science

Curso de aplicaciones y casos de usos

Aplicaciones y casos de uso

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  • Curso de implementación de un sistema de Inteligencia de Negocios
    Sé un especialista en Data Science
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    Sé un especialista en Data Science

    Curso de implementación de un sistema de Inteligencia de Negocios

    ¡Crea tu propio sistema de inteligencia de negocios! Aprende con los mejores técnicas en extracción, transformación y carga de datos para implementar tu propio sistema de inteligencia de negocios

  • (0)
  • How to Create Beautiful Landscape Photos?
    Sé un especialista en Data Science
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    Sé un especialista en Data Science

    How to Create Beautiful Landscape Photos?

    Learn how to build prototypes in Sketch. Find out how to prototype an image carousel for a website or mobile app, with these Sketch prototyping tips.

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  • How to be a DJ & Make Electronic Music
    Sé un especialista en Data Science
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    Sé un especialista en Data Science

    How to be a DJ & Make Electronic Music

    Learn how to build prototypes in Sketch. Find out how to prototype an image carousel for a website or mobile app, with these Sketch prototyping tips.

  • (0)
  • Design Instruments and Communication
    Sé un especialista en Data Science
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    Sé un especialista en Data Science

    Design Instruments and Communication

    Learn how to build prototypes in Sketch. Find out how to prototype an image carousel for a website or mobile app, with these Sketch prototyping tips.

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  • Sketch: Creating a Responsive SVG
    Sé un especialista en Data Science
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    Sé un especialista en Data Science

    Sketch: Creating a Responsive SVG

    Learn how to build prototypes in Sketch. Find out how to prototype an image carousel for a website or mobile app, with these Sketch prototyping tips.

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  • Designing a Responsive Mobile Site with Muse
    Sé un especialista en Data Science
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    Sé un especialista en Data Science

    Designing a Responsive Mobile Site with Muse

    Learn how to build prototypes in Sketch. Find out how to prototype an image carousel for a website or mobile app, with these Sketch prototyping tips.

  • (0)